
Learner-Centered Design

Time limit: 365 days
1 credit


Full course description

When designing a distance learning course, the best way to create a successful online learning experience for your students is to revolve the course around them. Using their needs, interests, skills, and goals to drive your course and activity design, you can help students in many different areas like intrinsic motivation, ongoing engagement, and community creation. This training will establish a working definition of "learner-centered" design as well as review strategies for getting to know your individual students' needs. These needs will shape the design of your course, allowing you to discover and embed activities and design elements best suited to meet them where they are. Learner-centered design also depends on a classroom environment where students feel safe to take risks, and this training will review the role that access and design consistency can have on a student's psychological safety.

Time estimate: 1 hour

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